Friday, July 25, 2008

My Bad Back

A few of you have asked about what is going on with my back, so I decided to share the details. For about a month and a half now, I have been dealing with some pretty severe and uncomfortable back problems. It has been a very challenging experience. One that has humbled me and brought me closer to my husband, family, friends and the Lord as I have had to depend on all of them for help in many different forms! I am soo thankful for all the blessings and wonderful people in my life. Thank you all for the support and sacrifice you have made to help me through this!!! It is much appreciated.

The problem is that I have 2 bulging discs in my lower back and one is pinching the nerve that runs down the left side of my body. Not only do I walk like an old woman in need of a groovy cane, but the pain has been almost unbarable at times, bringing me to tears and depression regarding my current state.

Besides the excruciating pain that radiates down the back of my left leg and out through my toes, the most difficult part of this experience has been being limited on how far I can carry William and how long I can hold him. I pray for the day that we can find the right treatment for this problem so that I can be the wife and mother that I want to be.

Yesterday I had two injections in my back. So far they have helped reduce the pain, although mobility is still limited. It takes a few days for them to really take effect and so I am remaining optimistic that time will heal. For all of you that have dealt with similar back problems, my heart goes out to you. I wouldn't wish this on anyone!


Marisa Jean said...

Only God would give this to a person who could still remain optimistic with the situation--which is not me. I would have died with your pain and prediciment. I hope these injections work and you get feeling better soon!

jennie said...

I'm so sorry! That must be miserable for you, especially when you can't hold William as much as you'd like. Hopefully they'll be able to find something that'll work!