Friday, July 25, 2008

I Love the Rodeo!!

It has been such a blessing to live across the street from my best friend and adopted grandmother, Lois Harmon. She is the most wonderful woman, heaven sent to all of us that have come in contact with her.

Lois and her late husband, Flip Harmon were involved in the Day's of '47 Rodeo since before I was born. Because they lived so close, our family has had the priviledge of being involved in the Rodeo. Every year from around July 16th through the 24th, it is Rodeo time!! Something that I definitley look forward to!

When I was 8 years old, I started selling Rodeo programs every night with my older siblings and parents. It was a wonderful way for us to help our ward earn money for camps and activities for the following year. At age 12, I was unofficially deemed the Rodeo babysitter and would help tend kids for committee members that were busy fulfilling their assignments. For the past several years I have helped in the Hospitality Room, which is a place where cowboys, cowgirls, media and committee members can come in and rest, eat some free food and watch the rodeo on one of 4 flatscreen TV's. After all these years, I was honored to be accepted as a member of the Rodeo Committee, where I have served for 5 years...except for this year as I have been disabled by terrible back problems. It was really difficult to not be able to do my part. BUMMER! :(

So to make a long story short, I love the Rodeo. From the anticipation and excitment of the first night, to the exhaustion of the last night, I enjoy being involved and am sad when it is over. I've attached a few pictures from this year's event. Although I was only able to go in a couple of nights, it was still a great year...a great show!

This is a picture of a very athletic bull named White Magic. He was such a sight to see. Beautiful animal to watch. I would have hated to be the cowboy to draw out riding this bull! Yikes!

Here's grandma holding William. This was of course his first Rodeo. We put ear plugs in his ears because it was pretty loud, especially the fireworks and music. He did really well and seemed content to watch the action. We sure love that little guy. I know Shawn can't wait to be a part of the Rodeo next year. He is also very active in helping the committee with set-up and take-down. It's a great way for our family to be involved with such a wonderful celebration!
William and I sitting next to my wonderful and sometimes wacky friend Marisa and her hottie husband (that's what she calls him) Jonathan. You've gotta love her!! Thanks for coming at such short notice guys!


Cami said...

I agree!! I love the Rodeo!! I have been in withdrawls - I haven't been to the rodeo in 5 years!! I can't wait until next year when I can come. I talked to my Mom today, and she is smashed! Super tired, but we always were on July 25th. Your tribute to the Rodeo and Grandma and Grandpa was awesome. Thank you for that. Oh, and thanks for the memories of us. . . I had forgotten about the bulk candy thing, yea, it was embarrasing - but hilarious now! Oh, and the picture of your Mom and William - cute! Your mom looks good, and your baby is adorable!

Aubrey said...

Hi Suzzanne,
I found your blog through Candis', check out mine!
Hope you're feeling better!

jennie said...

How fun! I LOVE the rodeo, too! We always went to at least one as I was growing up & I haven't been for a few years & I so miss it. I've never been involved in it, though. Lucky you!!! What a fun tradition this will be for your family! By the way, William looks just like Bart to me. I don't remember Bart as a baby obviously, but he sure looks like him! (In my eyes.:)) Oh, and you look awesome! And what's up with your back? Sorry you're having problems - no fun.

Marisa Jean said...

We LOVED the rodeo and the special treatment we got! Thanks for the great tickets and fun memories. We love spending time with you, your mom and little Will. I also enjoyed staring at the wrangler butts--they drive me nuts!